
Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Gaming Queen


I am really competitive.


For Christmas, my dad recieved a game called Blockus. It's a game of shapes and patterns and strategy.

Pretty fun.

Asia loves it. Actually, Asia just loves games.


Asia is really competitive.


She used to cheat and set up Duck Duck Bruce in the correct card order so every time it was her turn she would win! And she plays cards and Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride and Scum and always asks people to play games with her. When friends walk in the door she asks them to play a board game. When my sister or I am sad she prays for us....then asks us to play a board game with her to cheer up.

But...sometimes it's not very cheering.

Because she wins.

She always wins.

And I just can't handle it!

I know, I know; I am the older one and should be a good sport and be able to let my sister have the excitement and pride of beating me in a board game. But she's eight years old! And I actually TRY.

I have played Blockus with her about 10 times this week.

She's won almost every time.

She's smart.

I just finished a game of Blockus with her...

She won.

This just won't do.

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