
Friday, September 30, 2011

How Embarrassing...

My first college presentation, and I spell my topic wrong.

A Week In Review

I love Harmonica Man

Homemade donuts.


A novel a week.

Writing children's books.

Water competitions.

Getting the mail.


Keeper of Time.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

Scarf: $1.00

Skirt? $4.00

Shoes? $3.00. Amazing.

I have a guest appearance for Thrifty Thursday today.

Meet Bernard:

Yes, Bernard is a Hermit Crab. He's the fifth roommate here at Kerr Hall.

Sometimes we hold races in our living room.

Emi is a frequent visitor. She's Bernard's friend.

Or maybe she just wants to eat him.

Who knows?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Agree, Lady.



Hopefully the petition goes through.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

Puritan shirt? $3.00

Pants that USED to be $70.00....$10.00

And awesome shoes. The brand is Mushrooms? What?! $4.00

Hate the hay,

Love D.I.

That's where my outfit it from today. Even though it took 30 minutes to walk there. On the way home
I shouted at a bunch of cars: "HEY YOU! YA, YOU! GOT ANY CHARITY, HUH? CAN'T GIVE A POOR COLLEGE GIRL A RIDE HOME FROM THE STORE? WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY!?" I don't think anyone heard me. I just had to keep saying to myself, "Just over the next rise, Shelby". That inspiring statement was actually written on my shirt. I was in the 10000 FT Hiking Club. And that was our motto. Too bad I never actually went on a hike with them. Maybe it would have prepared me for college.

College life is different...yet, adventurous.  For instance:

I ate a huge box of raspberries from the Horticulture department while walking to my next class. 15 minutes: 200 raspberries. Hopefully, my stomach handles that alright.

I shoved a roommate into my closet. And legitimately tried to keep her there.

I burst into tears during class when my choir teacher from High School texted me.

I keep waving to everyone...but hardly anyone waves back. Maybe it's a Utah thing?

I heard today from a boy in my Book of Mormon class that Idaho has bigger mountains than Utah. EXCUSE ME?! But, WHAT mountains? That little hill you can see when you climb on the roof? Ya, no. No mountains.

I walk into my dorm and my roommate hides her frosting/nutella/ice cream behind her back. I think she's downed a can of each.

I bang my head on my bunk bed/desk contraption every day. Hopefully, I don't loose too many brain cells.

I have too look at my creepy Child Development textbook each day. That alone gives me nightmares.

I jumped onto a desk in my Children's Literature class pretending to be a monkey. There are no Freshman in that class and I'm pretty sure there were arrows pointing at me, blinking lights, and a creepy computer voice monotonously repeating "FRESHMAN. FRESHMAN. FRESHMAN." I realized I was a bit large for desk hopping when three chairs crashed over and one hit me in an incredibly and painfully uncomfortable spot. I don't think people normally act like a monkey in college.

I bought a 5$ movie from Wal-Mart instead of other crucial needed products for survival. I'm not really sure why, because it's only going to give me a good dose of heartache each time I see it.

I danced silently in my kitchen while a boy was giving a flower to Hannah in the living room.

I listen to Billie Holiday and vacuum. Then lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling in between classes.

I save all the envelopes I receive and hang them on a clothes line in my room.

I keep creeping on people when they exchange numbers and try to inconspicuously take a picture. Awesome.

I had a Sunday Breakfast Party.

I held the sun in my hands.

There are probably a plethora more oddities I didn't mention. Living on my own I realize I love cleanliness. I love being independent. I LOVE having my own kitchen and living room and bathroom. So wonderful. I'm thinking of making a peach pie soon.

I sorta like this college thing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shank Yoo

I went on my first college date last night.
After shoving my roommates in my closet so they would stop giggling and to prevent them from saying obnoxious things when the boy came to pick me up, trying to hurry out of my apartment complex because fifty girls were staring at me through their windows, and fretting about how college dating is different than high school dating; I ended up at the Chinese Opera Orchestra of Shanghai performance.



And very oriental.

A live orchestra to backed up the singers. With instruments such as: the erhu, guzheng, pipa, sanxian, suona, liuqin, sheng, paixiao, yanguin, zhongyuan, jinghu, dizi, zhonghu, konghou, gaohu, and many traditional percussion instruments.

Try to say those instruments ten times fast.

The Maestro Wang Yongji had the greatest Chinese accent. I couldn't even understand his English. He kept saying "Shank Yoo" (Thank You) over and over and over.

I had a great time. Being at that sort of concert was such a cool experience.

So, my first college date:

Shank Yoo,

Shank Yoo.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm Glad I Don't Sleep In A Toaster

After a week of living with me; this is my birthday card from my roommate. Obviously, she's gotten to know a new side of me.

I admit, she chose the perfect card.

This is exactly how I felt this morning after my crazy rockin' stranger party. It was crazy rockin'.

I even slaved away and made 300 mini cupcakes

And had a 5$ Wal-Mart Strobe Light. I tell ya, it was rockin'.

Mostly though, I made some friends.

The life of a college student.

I think I'm going to be waking up like Miss Betty-Sue up there as long as school is in session. So...4 more years. I can get inadequate sleep till then. Sure.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Thank you Family :)

I'm 19.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thrifty Thursday


My fantastic outfit I wore to school today.

I must admit though, it's not exceptionally thrifty. I got it at a thrift store, but...it was 20$.


Plus, it's my birthday tomorrow and, I say, I get to wear whatever I want this thrifty-thursday-before-my-birthday day. Yup yup.

These shoes are the awesome shoes I'm wearing. Besides the unmatching socks, fat looking ankles, old-manish quality; my shoes only have one downside.

They smell like the zoo.

No joke. Not like poo. Just the zoo. I didn't notice when I bought them, but when I wore them the next day I couldn't figure out why 'zoo' was following me. And when I went running, ZOO. It was everywhere. It wasn't bad. Or good. Just Zoo.

Then I went to stats and some boy I was sitting by said "Why does it smell like the zoo in here?"

Oh no, oh no. It must be me. I ran over to him and put my shoe on his desk and secretly described the odd odor of zoo that had been following me around. Ya, zoo.

I think it's because the shoes are so incredibly leather. And the leather is SOOOOOOO strong, it's smells 'zoo'. Who knows?

I tried taking these suckers to Europe to see if walking long distances would tame the zoo smell.

It sorta did.


But they're the best shoes I've got for college for walking purposes.....

Anywho. I have no car. No money. No boys. No family. Only canned food. No time to blog. Not many friends. Just zoo.

But it's alright. I'm getting along well. I mean, it's mostly my fault for not meeting lots of new people, as I have been extremely studious. And sleepy.

BUT. I have an EXCELLENT idea! I have no friends, right? And it's my birthday tomorrow right?

So....I'm sticking sticky notes. Everywhere. That look like this:

I know: Brilliant.

Perfect way to make friends. I wrote this on........hundreds, of sticky notes. And my plan today is to stick them. Everywhere.

I'm really hoping this works out because I've never had a birthday party with a bunch of people I don't know and no family and no balloons and games and a big cake and an actual house and people who adore me and make me feel like a million bucks.

Perhaps, it will be a fiasco.

But, I won't know unless I try.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Know the Code


Ya, ya. I know BYU-I has a slightly ridiculous Honor Code. No overalls, too. I'm waiting to see that poster when I cross campus. I bet it'd say something to the effect of:

"Overall, it's not professional"


"We aren't hicks, overall (Don't make fun of the farmers)"

And have a picture with a lady in overalls and, of course, the little hand in the corner holding the arrow pointing out the inappropriate attire.

These fantastic four posters I came across touring campus today. I'll let you know when I see the overall one.

I'm sure it's here somewhere...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

49 cent Mac Meal

Our dorm decided to celebrate being official starving students by having an honorary dinner together on our first night.

Mac and Cheese.

It was 49 cents.

It was Roommate #1's macaroni.

But I ate it anyway.

Then I dropped a noodle on the ground.

Our first college mess.

Roommate #2's meal is less messy.

Maybe that can be for tomorrow night.

Thrifty Thursday

Round two:

One of my favorite places EVAH: Target.
Or Target (pronounced like Ballet).

Cheap. Yet, delicious. Look at these finds.

New College bag?! Woot! $8.00

Mmmm. Yummy blue shirt: $4.00.

Sorry my pictures aren't absolutely fantastic today. They will get better. Part of the problem is I can't take pictures of myself, myself. I had my sister try and do this weeks. She can't take pictures. At all. They were all blurry. Except these two. But hey, I have a photography major in my dorm (Roomate #2) so perhaps they will improve.
So....guess what?! I moved in today. That's why you have this special COLLEGE EDITION Thrifty Thursday.

Yesterday was officially my last day in Utah. No car. No money. So visits will be once in a blue moon. I kept saying things like "This is the last time I will be in the shed...", or "This is the last time I will see the sunset in Utah", "This is the last time I will see the view at the three story park", "Or eat Orange Leaf", "Or have a sleepover with my sisters".

Ya, ya. I know. I'm four hours away. And I'm coming back for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will definitely do ALL those things again. And soon. But still, weird? Yes.

My parents decided to throw me into the real world, um, alone; and took a trip to Lake Powell a couple days ago so I got to move in with my best friend and her parents. Two peoples' stuff REALLY fills up a car...

Basically, Hannah and I could hardly fit in the car ourselves. I tried to nap, but Hannah's clothes were magnetically drawn to my head. It was a little difficult.

Five hours later, lots of sweat, realizing I shouldn't have worn my PJs on move-in day, and boxes and bags emptied:

My room. My new "home".

And my bestie. :)

I am so glad she is here with me. It's like bringing home along.

My other roomates are great.

Roomate #1: Pokes her head into our room as we are unpacking. Roomate #2 has yet to arrive and Roomate #1 timidly asks "Do you think my roomate would like Hermit Crabs?".

I now have a pet next door.

Roomate #2: Borrows some butter.

Ya..........anticlimactic. Maybe I'll have some more stories on Roomate #2 later.

Even though I've been complaining about the nothingness of Idaho, it really is wonderful. I mean, it's full of nothingness. But it's wonderful. We passed "Bear World" on the way over here. Date, anyone? Or maybe I could go kiss somebody on top of a water tower. Or roll through hay. Nevermind....I'm allergic to hay...

It's an odd thing to say goodbye to your friends and family. I think I went through over fifty goodbyes last week. I would say "It's not REALLY a goodbye! Just a See-You-Later". But, in some cases as I watched people walk away, I was pretty sure it was goodbye. All my excitement for Idaho didn't change the sadness of that.

But, I was welcomed to BYU-I by Henry J. Eyring. Yes, J. He's a son. And I have a picture of Christ right next to me to look at. And I'll never be alone that way. I can do it.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!


I know I can.

Here, here! To college.

P.S. I didn't realize posting about lipstick would get me free lipstick. Mmmm. Sassy Spontanee. Thanks Madie. Delicious. I wore Coral Crush today.