
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thrifty Thursday


My fantastic outfit I wore to school today.

I must admit though, it's not exceptionally thrifty. I got it at a thrift store, but...it was 20$.


Plus, it's my birthday tomorrow and, I say, I get to wear whatever I want this thrifty-thursday-before-my-birthday day. Yup yup.

These shoes are the awesome shoes I'm wearing. Besides the unmatching socks, fat looking ankles, old-manish quality; my shoes only have one downside.

They smell like the zoo.

No joke. Not like poo. Just the zoo. I didn't notice when I bought them, but when I wore them the next day I couldn't figure out why 'zoo' was following me. And when I went running, ZOO. It was everywhere. It wasn't bad. Or good. Just Zoo.

Then I went to stats and some boy I was sitting by said "Why does it smell like the zoo in here?"

Oh no, oh no. It must be me. I ran over to him and put my shoe on his desk and secretly described the odd odor of zoo that had been following me around. Ya, zoo.

I think it's because the shoes are so incredibly leather. And the leather is SOOOOOOO strong, it's smells 'zoo'. Who knows?

I tried taking these suckers to Europe to see if walking long distances would tame the zoo smell.

It sorta did.


But they're the best shoes I've got for college for walking purposes.....

Anywho. I have no car. No money. No boys. No family. Only canned food. No time to blog. Not many friends. Just zoo.

But it's alright. I'm getting along well. I mean, it's mostly my fault for not meeting lots of new people, as I have been extremely studious. And sleepy.

BUT. I have an EXCELLENT idea! I have no friends, right? And it's my birthday tomorrow right?

So....I'm sticking sticky notes. Everywhere. That look like this:

I know: Brilliant.

Perfect way to make friends. I wrote this on........hundreds, of sticky notes. And my plan today is to stick them. Everywhere.

I'm really hoping this works out because I've never had a birthday party with a bunch of people I don't know and no family and no balloons and games and a big cake and an actual house and people who adore me and make me feel like a million bucks.

Perhaps, it will be a fiasco.

But, I won't know unless I try.

Wish me luck.

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