
Monday, August 29, 2011

Mrs. Gaunither

It's silly, really.

For the first time today, I cried about moving. It wasn't my friends that triggered it. Or even my family.

It was my piano students.

I taught them today and I realize all their books are in new piano bags. Marcus exclaims it's because of Mrs. Gaunither.

"Who's Mrs. Gaunither?" I ask.

"Our new piano teacher."



I knew this had to happen. I knew I was leaving and I couldn't teach them in between semesters. I knew if they wanted to keep learning piano, someone else had to teach them.

But, I wasn't expecting that. They already have a new teacher...

Oh boy, I sorta had to use all my effort to focus on teaching them because I could feel it. The bubbly-stomach thing that tries to come up your throat but you know if it does your eyes will water up. Doesn't make sense how those are all connected.

I've taught them for five years.

And next week, it's our last lesson.

Then they'll be going to Mrs. Gaunither.

Miss Shelby, Mrs. Gaunither? The name just sounds less friendly!

Yes. My imaginary Mrs. Gaunither is balding. And has ruby red creepy long nails. And is somewhat like the Trunchbull.

But...what if she's a better teacher than I am? What if I am seriously lacking in my teaching abilities and my students love her and become musical prodigies? What if they are relieved to have someone more capable, finally?

What if they never say, "Thank you Miss Shelby!"?

Ever, again.

I'm gonna miss hearing that.

A lot.


mytwocents said...

Change is hard. Just ask the woman who had to decide what to do about her kids piano lessons starting next week. But it is time she let you grow up and go to college. A couple of things you can be reassured about - the new piano teacher thought that both the boys had learned great technique. And I think we both know that neither of those two is gunning for musical prodigy. And who knows what will happen with Little Miss Sassy Pants. She is still fairly new to the sport of piano. But thanks to you she has had a solid start. We will miss you.

Thank you Miss Shelby. :)

Shelby Brimley said...

Thank You :)