
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Best Friend Tryouts

Last Summer,

I decided to get rid of Hannah and get a new Best Friend.


We just wanted to do something a little different than the usual summer night activity. (Also, we were in dire need of friends. Who isn't?!)

So we held tryouts. Not just ANYONE can be our best friend. I mean, come on! They have to be practically perfect in every way. And since Mary Poppins is a fictional character, we had to find someone else.

It was a brilliant plan, really. We set up a table and chairs, had pens and paper for notes, a HUGE sign for advertisement, and a couple judges.

You know, I have to admit, I didn't think anyone would want to stop. Hannah and I just aren't that cool.

Fifteen kids! FIFTEEN people wanted to be OUR Best Friend! Incredible.

So we put them to the test.

Simple, really.

1) Sing The Star Spangled Banner. (We had to know if these guys were really patriotic. I mean, I know people who don't even know the WORDS to our National Anthem! Some of them didn't either...Plus, having a good voice does help your chances)

2) Dance for 30 seconds to a song of our choice. (Hannah and I, we dance. There's no way someone could be our very best friend if they weren't willing to get in the groove. The most frequent song choice: Never Gonna Give You Up, by Rick Astley. If you haven't heard it, look up the music video on youtube. It's a gem.)

3) Answer a few questions about true friendship. (This one is obviously most important.)

Turns out we made FIFTEEN friends that day! FIFTEEN! Amazing, huh?!

We even got a date. Believe it or not.

Two young men in suits got down on one knee, asked up to be their best friends, presented us with flowers, then took us on a date in an suite elevator for a picnic. They didn't kick us out surprisingly, so we called in and complained about ourselves. What an adventure. But that, is a different story.


We concluded that making friends is easy. Well, as long as you ask for it. We did. Fifteen friends in one day? That's an accomplishment.

Now you ask, "Why are you telling this story NOW, Shelby? That was ages ago!"

Right you are!

But, we are doing it again. And soon. Before the end of the Summer. Be on the lookout. Intersection by Kohlers, table with a huge sign. You just can't miss it.

I hope to see you there!