
Friday, December 10, 2010

Some Feminine Charms

Sometimes the saying "Sugar, Spice, and everything nice"...has absolutely nothing to do with girls.

But, sometimes--it's perfect.


"Boogers and bugs.
Boys never listen.
And they moon you.
and they smell...

Thank you Little Rascals. It's perfect.

Girlfriends are the greatest. Sometimes I don't credit them quite enough because I am fond of boys... mostly/sometimes/occasionally/very rarely/not really. Anyway- they are great.

I just wanna have a slumber party! And giggle. And dance. And jump on the bed with pillows and scarfs and red lipstick. Sing "Love is a Battlefield". Wear bras on the outside of our shirts(never actually done that one...but it might be fun). Smile and cuddle with each other and our boyfriends(the stuffed animals we brought to the party). Draw our wedding dresses and hold a ceremony! Pick flowers and put them in a cup next to the bed. Talk about how boys are so DUMB! And secretly get real giddy just because we are talking about boys! Paint nails. Love babies. Lay on the bed with our heads upside down and laugh and laugh until we fall off.

Doesn't that sound fun?
Ya. It does to me too.
But, I have a confession. I don't really ever do any of that stuff. But today I REALLY want to! I want to be with my girlfriends and just BE A LITTLE GIRL. Not this 18-year-old adult stuff who cares about school and grades and money and work and laws and acceptance. None of that.

My dear friend Anna came over and chatted with me in the car today. We giggled. And laughed. And put pillows over our head. And got scared by my brother and screamed. And got excited about secrets and fun and sleepovers and boys. It was so fun. SO FUN. I am so happy to have a blossoming friendship with that girl. For we are girls. And that was fun today.

So I realized--every old girl is a little girl who has just had more life to live but really wants all the same things and does the same things for fun when she has time but sometimes she just doesn't have time but inside her heart she likes dresses and boys and pretty things and flowers and kindness and giggling and babies and colors. It's true. Maybe if I had the chance I'd put on a big poofy princess dress and a crown and find a ballroom and dance with a stuffed animal pretending he was my prince who had come to sweep me off my feet and take my to our castle where I could sing songs and grow flowers and bake cookies. Yes. I would. I'm still waiting for a prince who ISN'T a stuffed animal. But the substitute will suffice for now.

Girls definitely have their fair share of challenges and trials and I'll be the first to admit sometimes I wish I was a guy. When I was little I thought I had been gypped! I pretended to be a boy with my two brothers actually. I swore never to wear make-up. I wore gym clothes and despised my sister for trying to give me make-overs. But now I want to be a girl. I'm proud of my girlhood. Us girls have some great qualities yes?
Love. Kindness. Caring. Compassion. Service. Charity. Cleanliness. Nuturing. .
If I could remember I'm a daughter of God and I am a little girl at heart who loves and cares maybe I would be less bitter and spiteful. I think so. Very much.
And when I look DEEP into my heart...well not that deep...but a little bit deep into my heart!-I see a little girl who wants to have the perfect slumber party.
And when I looked at some of my pictures...
I realized us girls never change...







Anna Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness, I love this so much.
Those picture comparisons are delightful - and so adorable. All of them.
And yes, it's TRUE! This girlhood is inside us all. believe it. And I embrace it!
Shelby, tonight will be epic. And I think you've just created a to-do list for our sleepover.

Caroline Grace: said...

Oh my goodness. Shelby. I absolutely love this.

Can we please have a photoshoot soon? I missed that last one. :(

And a sleepover. ASAP.