
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


A day. Sometimes, a day is a lifetime away. Or, at least, it seems a lifetime away. But then comes that moment when you realize today is that day. And you've been dreading/looking forward to it for years. So much time has passed and memories created that you never really expected it would feel like this. Well, you probably didn't expect it to feel like anything because it was too far in the future to even comprehend. But then it happens. Distance and time has changed and the day is like a far off pulse that is irregular and slightly painful.  It's short. Quick. Lifeless. Empty.

Nighttime falls and sleep takes away that day; life goes on, and everything is basically the same. Basically.

Expect; that day came and went. And you didn't know what to do with it. So you did nothing. Hoping, maybe nothing was right.

Maybe, something will eventually come of that nothing. But, maybe not. So you continue to wait and wonder. But now there isn't that day anymore. Sitting in that time warp seemed completely un-monumental except that it was definitely that day you thought would never come. The only feeling you can put into words about it is that it finally happened.

I'd rather Dance than Sit.

It's time to move on.

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