
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Awkward and Awesome

Awkward: Going to a hockey game with your ex's little brother to find out your ex came too and brought a date and is sitting next to you.
Awesome: Beating boys at ice hockey.

Awkward: Breaking your iPod because you put it in your bra to run and you sweat so much it gets water damage.
Awesome: Your brother broke his phone by sweat water damage too--it must be a family thing.

Awesome: Having to take care of your little sister who has the flu--holding her hair up, reading stories from the Friend, and singing lullabies.
Awkward: A boy was spending the night before he headed back to Idaho and sat on the bed in stunned silence to witness the whole thing. Let's just get married already.

Awkward: Watching your friend kiss your crush on Valentines Day ;)
Awesome: Playing kissing games on Valentines Day.

Awkward: Telling boys who obviously like you that you are leaving on a mission in 4 days.
Awesome: Getting asked out on dates anyway.

Awkward: Having your family purposely embarrass you with stories of castrating sheep, bad dates, and not knowing what a birthday suit is when you bring your crush over for family dinner.
Awesome: Family dinners.

Awkward: Being so sunburnt that you look like a dead snake and your skin is coarse and blistered. Then having a boy touch a blister on my neck thinking is was Aloe Vera.
Awesome: Ice showers.

Awkward: Sitting on a plastic chair in a swimsuit having your best friend rub aloe plant we trekked through someone's backyard to find, all over your body. It looks and feels and smells just like snot.
Awesome: Being good enough friends with someone that they would do that for me :)

Awkward: Having your skin fall off while you are at work. Or on a date. Or giving a talk in church.
Awesome: Having a left over tan! Finally...

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