As you may have notice--in the past two months I have become a blogging fan. A blog stalker. A blog writer. A blog addict. Whatever you wish to call me: it now has BLOGGER attached.

I now enjoy this thing known as blog.
I used to think blogging was super weird. Not bad or anything...just weird. And now I am a part of it.
Because my friend told me she would read my blog everyday.
Me? Really? Wow! You think I could really write something that entertaining? Oh stop! *giggle giggle*
Ya. I was flattered.
Plus, my friends had blogs and I enjoy writing and I could use it as a way to journal and save memories and moments and ideas onto the everlasting technological device called the Internet.
So: I became a blogger.
(I'm still struggling inside a little with the title..."blogger"....hmmm)
Obviously, this excerpt of mine reveals a flaw of mine (another deep dark confession): I am easily wooed by peer and the pressure that they placed upon me using flattering and manipulating words(sounds devilish). I am weak.
And you ask "Shelby, what does this have to do with ANYTHING?"
The new year's stereotypical blogging challenge.
The one where you write something about some certain something every day for 30 days!
The one that brings me back to fifth grade where I filled out completely lame and confidence determining friend evaluations and questionnaires and weird email forwards.
The ones who mysteriously said "YOU WILL DIE AT MIDNIGHT IF YOU DON'T FORWARD THIS TO 30 PEOPLE" Did I believe that? Maybe a little... But no.
Why did I do these things?
I guess because tests and quizzes and determining your knowledge and competence and acceptance in the social area of life is a bit curiosity-piquing and intriguing. But still.
They were lame.
And now as my 18 year old self I go back and read those emails and laugh. And laugh and laugh and laugh.
And say "Why?! Why did I participate in this nonsensical fad of the elementary/junior high technological emailing world?!"
But here I am.
Everybody is doing it...
All my friends are doing it...
The beautiful blogs I drool at are doing it...
Their pictures and ideas and accepting-the-challenge blog posts are seducing me slowly into this strange idea. So there is definitely a slight intrinsic motivation as well.
Write every day. 30 days. Topic given. Sounds intriguing. Sounds slightly fun. Maybe. Ya. Ya, it does.
BUT NO! I endure and endure but then I give in! Always. To these alluring fads and ideas. Oh the trends! couldn't be THAT bad. Right?
Well? Should I?
Oh, come on Shelby. You know you want to. ;)
(how's THAT for peer pressure? Plus, I'm interested!!)
YES. personally i love reading everyone's thirty days. it's intriguing. be seduced.
...I will if you will.
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