
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Frampton Comes Alive (11)

Day 11: My siblings

My siblings are some of my best friends. They are always there for me.

Taylor: 22. Rockclimber. Elementary School Teacher. Mountain Man Beard. Pleasant. Always makes me feel happier. Wears monkey hats. He sometimes makes me play DDR with him or do pull-ups. He tickles me when I'm grumpy.

Jenessa: 21. Dancer. Beautiful. Silly. Opinionated. Christlike. Walks in on me dancing in my room. Inspires me. We cry together. Sometimes we have sister sleepovers and do puzzles and talk.

Devin: 16. Soccer player. My high school buddy. We cook together. And go on adventures. And tease each other. Sometimes I jump on him at school and give him a kiss and steal his lunch. We sing and have dance parties too. Or play Warcraft and Monster Rancher. Perfect little brother.

Bailey: 12. Dancer. Reader. Motherly. Loving. She always asks for my opinion on books. We watch chick flicks together and eat popcorn. She doesn't get angry easily.

Asia: 8. The baby. She is smart. Witty. Competetive. She dances too. She is sweet and affectionate. I always feel loved when Asia is home. We hug and play board games. Sometimes she dances while I play the piano. Or she watches me paint. She's got some great attitude. She makes up her own jokes.

I LOVE MY FAMILY. They are crazy and personable and goofy. Sometimes we have sock bomb wars or go camping and sing Eagles and Queen around the fire. We eat pancakes together every Sunday and play card games. Once my grandma made us model a bunch of BYU P.E. uniforms from 1950. They were hideous. But we danced in them and then burned them in the fire as we sang sacrificial burning songs. Sometimes we burst out into spontaneousness dance parties and do the conga. Sometimes we all sit in the car and make up our own guitar solos to Hotel California.

Family is the best. Today I went to the temple with Devin and Jenessa. It took a LONG time. But, I sat and thought how this is what heaven was going to be like. Dressed in white and with the people you love the most. Won't that day be blissful?


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