
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

'Ello there! Me name is Winifred an' I 'ave been participatin' in this wonderful show put on by King Connor and Lady Samantha! Its called Ol' Madgrigal Feast! Each night I's a playin my recorder for quarters--you see, I'm a beggar.

This feast is put on each year and the King so kindly les us join him in 'is court for some shinys in light o' Christmas spirit! We's a doin' six whole shows! Aroun' the hour o' seven till nine o' clock. It really's so much joy and merriment. Firstly the King makes all the latecomers act like animals!

All us beggars gets to sit in front and watch the Half-Act Players an' there performance.

The King also has a shapely leg contest for all male guests! (Me 'usband Uther tried once but 'is legs aren't really that shaply) I loves the shapely leg contest. We also sings a 'Appy Occasion to all those folks with anniversaries and birthdays and happy occasions to celebrate! Such fun.

 I 'ave to admit though... me favorite part is when the King explains all the rules. He tells the one about the salt--and he lets me go kiss Sir Dylan on the cheek for some salt! I gets to do it each night. Shhh! I just a laughin' and havin' so much fun.

Then's after we serve soup an' dinner an' dessert; the King asks us to put on a concert for the folks who come from alls over to our kingdom. We all sing many Christmas songs and feel the spirit of Christmas. We's all havin' mighty good singin' voices too I think.

I is definitely the best beggar the King asks to come. I is doing tricks and singin' songs and talkin' to all the folks. Givin' kisses on cheeks for coins and playin' my recorder. I been too poor for lessons but I take requests and I play nice melodies for people. They especially like my song from the shire I think. Its been most popular these past two days of me doing to the castle.

Anyways; is you 'avent 'ad the chance to come and see yet- you are missin out you are! COME! There really is such merriement all round.

Maybe I'd even give you a kiss on the cheek if yous a givin' me a quarter. (But no throwing them at me like me brothers!) We'll see. ;)

A Merry Merry Christmas to ya!

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