Europe. Yes, you are about to hear a small story.
My first stop: London, England.
I couldn't wait for London. I mean, Hogwarts is in London; it's BOUND to be magical.
But... London happened to come at me sooner than I expected. After our 5 hour layover in Atlanta, Georgia I steped on the long planeride to England and found my seat.
Of course, I am sitting next to a 19 year old British guy who has just been touring America and is flying home (all the girls on my flight were surprisingly friendly to me those eight hours).
William. His name is William. Could it be more... English? Nope.
Mostly he was as fasincated by my "American-ness" as I was fasicanated by his British accent. So we made good friends.
British Accent 101:
Wat-uh (Water)
Al-oo-min-ee-um (Aluminum)
Lit-uh-er-ly (Literally)
Tom-ah-toe (Tomatoe)
Po-tah-toe (Potato)
Those were the more obvious ones. He begged me the whole time to order my water in a British accent...but I couldn't do it. When I asked him to do an American accent: "OH MY GOSH! THAT IS SO LIKE GREAT!"
Sad, huh?
Also, he pulled out his phone and said,
"Want to see the funniest thing I saw in America?" (British accent)
"Ya! Of course!"
An Idaho license plate:
He shows me a picture of an IDAHO LICENSE PLATE. Huh?!
Look closely. Maybe your eyes can find something hilarious that mine didn't...
"Famous Potatoes it says. Famous Potatoes!" (British Accent)
Then he laughs for about five minutes and holds back tears.
Maybe he didn't know Potatoes could be famous?.......
I said "Haven't you ever heard of Idaho's famous potatoes?!"
"NO!" (British Accent) (continued laughter)
I think I refrained from telling him I was moving to Idaho in a month...
Or maybe I did and he sat and stared at me for a couple minutes wondering who in their right mind would move to Idaho.
He admitted, "Us Brits, We see America as L.A., New York....and everything else." (British Accent)
SAD! Sad, sad, sad.
Western culture is such a part of here.
And I love it! Even if I'm slightly nervous about the crop of men to meet me in Potato Land. What if they are all "Buttcrack Bills"? (That's what I like to call 'em) You know, redneck, cowboy, manuer lovin', bull ridin', grease wipin', hicks?
I'm moving out it less than two weeks.
Please, oh, PLEASE Idaho, be slightly less Agricultural than your liscense plate and my Brit friend William make you out to be.
I'm not riding my horse up there, you know.