
Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air

Disco Skating. These girls have been my friends for ages.

A good friend's farewell.

My first Chick Flick in a month! With my best wardie.

These past twenty-four hours have been refreshing. I sort of realized today how many people there are in my life I am going to miss. How many people I DO miss. I saw so many people at my friend's farewell. All my school friends! And I made some new friends too. I really have a lot of people I love. A lot of people who love me too. I am blessed. But it's a new life ahead! I probably won't see people for months or years. Good thing I have my best friend coming with me to the land of potatoes. My other best friend is going to Hawaii! I have missionary friends in Russia, Taiwan, Paris, California, India, Canada, Mexico, and all across the globe. But I will always have them in my heart and memories and I'm sure that when we see each other again, we will beam with excitement and love. Even if it isn't in this life. Friends will always be friends. And we will always have each other.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mid-Life Crisis

No, I'm not old enough to have a mid-life crisis.

This is a mid-life crisis:


I laughed for fifteen minutes when I saw this hanging on our fridge!

Apparently when you get to a certain age you don't realize you are supposed to change positions in a photo booth.

Oh man. In the third picture you can just see in my mom's face the realization that something is not right. Then of course, she blocks the next picture with a peace sign.

I love my parents.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We Are The Framptons

Dun dun dun dun dun dun


bom bom bom bom



No time for Losers cause


of the world.

This is a typical Campfire at Frampton Family reunions.

Queen is a typical band to sing for campfire songs.

Changing lyrics to boast about ourselves is a typical thing to do around the campfire.

We are typically great air guitarists.

Typically we try to be louder than the campfire next to us.

We are pretty competitive...typically.

Also, we typically sing in twenty different keys (most of the family is not so musically inclined).

But, we are pretty good dancers. The shimmy is a typical move to see around the campfire.

This is a typical conversation around the campfire:

"We are the Framptons?! Why haven't we thought of that all these years? We are being taken over by the younger generation!"

"You know, when I was young we used to dance Cheek to Cheek. That's just how it was done! And we sang 'Row row row your boat' around the campfire" (breaks into song)

"We should be the VanFrahmptun Family. Singing sensation! Ich ist bgeveth glabenhos bin venhoaseh!"


Then we would start singing Jukebox Hero.

Or do our own versions of the guitar solo in Hotel California.

Or maybe we would sacrifice the 50 year old BYU P.E. shorts Grandma brought as we sang tribal music and shimmied around the fire.

Reunions are the best.

Watching home videos and EVERY SINGLE OUTFIT Grandma sees she shouts "I still have that!" Even the ones thirty years ago. She saves everything.

Kayak wars. Four wheeling rides. Beautiful sunsets. Lunes on the Lake. Never ending noise and laughter.

I love my family.

We are the Framptons.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I passed! ALL my tests!

Stats 3 (that's a miracle)
Lit 4
Pysch 5

That shed some light into my disastrous homecoming. (flooded house, no parents, torn apart room and walls, 36 hour day. Ouch)

BUT I PASSED! So I feel great.

College, Here I come.

The Epitome of...

Yoohoo! I'm home!


What an incredible experience. I learned so much about the world, myself, music, and others. It was life changing.

But, as I am suffering greatly from jet lag and have SO much to get done, I'm only going to give you a taste today of my adventure.

When I arrived at my first destination: London, England. I came up with this idea. Whenever someone goes touring they get the EXACT SAME PICTURES. 

How many times have you seen this picture?

Or this one?

Ya. A million times. You could Photoshop your face into that and say "Hey! I've been to the Eiffel tower!"

So I decided I wanted to take some unique pictures of all the countries I visited.

This is where the idea of 'Epitome of...' photos came from. Being a creeper is already a talent of mine, why not develop it a little further?

In each country, when I spotted someone that, to me, seemed like the 'epitome of' that place, I took a picture of them. A couple people noticed....But I was never approached, so it's alright.

Here goes:

The Epitome of London:

The Epitome of Paris:

The Epitome of Switzerland:

The Epitome of Austria:

The Epitome of Italy:

The Epitome of Germany:

Nice huh?

I'm proud of them. It made my European experience all the better. I will post more soon about the trip. But for now,

Au revoir! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Give Me Three Weeks

I'm off fellas!

I know you will miss me. But, no worries. You will hear all about it when I get back.

Things like gypsies stealing all my money, "ugly American" treatment, and my warm personality taken in the very wrong way (I don't really want European men climbing up my window)....

Ya. These are the things they tell us the day before we leave!!!

WHY?! They choose the worst possible outlook.

Why not:




All they tell us is how we shouldn't look at people in the eye and never take peoples babies cause they will take your purse and try to not look American.

I guess it's all good advice.

But, I'll admit, I'm slightly nervous. No phone. No communication. No family. Just my little bag of luggage, a couple Euros, Francs, and Pounds, and three weeks on my hands.

Should be an adventure, Yes?

We had our "Bon Voyage" concert tonight. And let me tell ya, we sound GOOD. Three full day rehearsals paid off. Even if they were exhausting.

I'm off. In a few short hours I will be flying to London.

Wish me luck!

Pray for me.

And don't forget about me.

After all, three weeks isn't TOO long.


Monday, July 4, 2011

The Summer Wind

My fickle friend,

I lost you

I lost you to the summer wind.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Three Dreams Minus One Plus Another.

I was almost invited to sing with a Jazz quartet today...

That was until they realized I was going to be in Europe when they performed.



I've been at rehearsals the past two days. Singing until my voice hurts. The songs are beautiful. The people are talented. I've made a couple new friends. I'm exhausted. But SO ready to see the world. I'm already packed. My plane leaves in 4 1/2 days.

Here I come London, Paris, Venice, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and Lichtenstein.

Shelby Alyse Frampton is on her way.

(Hey. Hey you. Remember how I'm a HARRY POTTER FANATIC. I get to go to King's Cross. AND Diagon Alley! WOO WOO!) 

(Oh also. My THIRD dream is to see Phantom of The Opera. I'm seeing it. IN THE LONDON THEATRE)

(Now I'm just REALLY getting pumped!)

(I guess Phantom is my Fourth dream because boarding Platform 9 3/4 is my third)